Pasture refers to land covered with grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals, especially cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. Pasture lands are...
Permaculture is a concept that combines the terms “permanent” and “agriculture.” It’s an approach to land management and philosophy that adopts arrangements observed in...
Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest, an organism that impacts adversely on human activities, including...
Post-harvest losses refer to the quantitative and qualitative reduction in agricultural produce that occurs between the time of harvest and the point of consumption...
Poultry generally refers to domesticated birds that are kept by humans for their eggs, meat, or feathers. These birds typically include chickens, ducks, turkeys,...
Pullorum disease is a highly contagious bacterial disease affecting primarily chickens and turkeys, but most domestic and wild fowl can be infected. It is...