Super gro 5 Liters

Super Gro: An Honest and In-depth Review (2024)

Explore the benefits of Super Gro in our detailed 2024 guide. Learn how it boosts crop yields, enhances water use, and improves farm productivity. Get honest insights and expert reviews to make informed decisions for your agricultural needs.

You’ve probably heard a lot about Super Gro, right?

Maybe you’re sitting there, coffee in hand, thinking, “Isn’t that just some fancy water sold by people who turn everything into a sales pitch?”

I get it.

The whole marketing angle might have made you skeptical, had you raising an eyebrow, wondering if it’s more sizzle than steak.

You’re not alone.

Many people out there think it’s just another foliar fertilizer with a fancy tag, especially when everyone selling it seems to promise the moon. And by the way, Super Gro is NOT a foliar fertilizer, but we will discuss that later on in this article.

So, what’s the real story behind Super Gro? Is it the golden ticket to greener pastures or just smoke and mirrors?

I’m here to lay it all out for you.

We’re diving deep, beyond the sales pitches and the shiny brochures, to uncover the nitty-gritty of Super Gro. By the end of this, you’ll know exactly what’s what, no fluff, no bluff. So, buckle up, and let’s unravel the mystery together.

Let’s begin.

What is Super Gro?

So, what’s the real deal with Super Gro?

Let’s dive into what this product is all about, minus the usual sales pitch fluff. Think of this as us just talking over the fence, farmer to farmer, about what’s in this bottle that’s been getting so much attention lately.

Imagine a product that’s like giving your crops a superpower, not because it’s magical, but because it’s designed to work with science. It’s called Super Gro, and people are chatting about it because it’s versatile and comes with a promise to make water work harder for your plants.

So, what exactly is Super Gro?

Super Gro is a concentrated liquid adjuvant, meant to be mixed with water in a ratio that’s kind of mind-blowing – just a tiny drop goes a long way, literally 1 part of Super Gro to 1000 parts water. It’s crafted to be safe and straightforward, no nasty stuff involved – non-toxic, non-caustic, and not going to catch fire.

You can use it indoors on your potted plants or out in the fields, making it a pretty handy tool in your farming arsenal.

Imagine a product that’s like giving your crops a superpower, not because it’s magical, but because it’s designed to work with science. It’s called Super Gro by Neolife, promising versatility and the ability to make water work harder for your plants, sparking much conversation WhatsApp Group

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And what is an adjuvant?

An adjuvant is a substance that is added to a pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, or other agricultural chemicals to enhance or modify the properties of the original chemical. The purpose of an adjuvant is to improve the application or the effectiveness of the product it is added to.

Here are some key points about adjuvants:

  1. Enhancing Effectiveness: Adjuvants can improve the chemical’s ability to stick to leaves, penetrate surfaces, or resist being washed off by rain, thereby increasing its efficacy.
  2. Types of Adjuvants: There are various types of adjuvants, including surfactants, wetting agents, spreaders, stickers, buffering agents, and drift control agents, each serving a specific function to aid in the application or performance of the pesticide or herbicide.
  3. Improving Application: They can help in reducing the surface tension of spray droplets, improving the coverage and retention of the product on the target plant or surface.
  4. Reducing Drift: Some adjuvants are designed to reduce the drift of the product during application, ensuring that the chemical reaches its target more effectively and minimizes off-target damage.
  5. Compatibility: It’s important to use the correct adjuvant for the specific chemical product and the target crop or pest, as the wrong adjuvant can sometimes reduce effectiveness or even cause harm.
  6. Regulatory Aspects: Adjuvants are regulated and must be approved for use, ensuring they meet safety and environmental standards.

In agriculture, the correct use of adjuvants can significantly enhance the results of pesticides and herbicides, leading to better pest control, less product waste, and potentially lower environmental impact.

What is the science behind Super Gro?

Now, here’s the science bit that gets people talking: it’s all about making water wetter.

Sounds odd, right? But it’s a thing.

By reducing the surface tension of water, it ensures that more water gets to your plant’s roots and sticks around, which is crucial for better growth and less waste. It’s like making every drop of water count, ensuring your plants get the hydration they need, right where they need it.

And it’s not just about watering. Super Gro is also a booster for other agricultural products like pesticides and fertilizers. It helps them to stick better and longer on plants, making them more effective.

Think of it as an enhancer that makes sure your other treatments are doing their best work, getting deeper into the plant tissues and staying there to do their job.

The proof?

Well, there are studies, like those from the University of Nairobi, showing promising results – like fewer pests and diseases on treated plants. So, it’s not just talk; there’s evidence suggesting that Super Gro by Neolife (formerly GNLD) can make a real difference in your farming routine.

Super Gro is NOT a Foliar fertilizer

Let us talk about what Super Gro is not. Super Gro is NOT a foliar fertilizer as is promoted by some people on social media.

It is often misconceived as a foliar fertilizer, but it’s crucial to clarify its actual role. It is a multifunctional agricultural surfactant, not designed to provide direct nutrient support to plants like conventional foliar fertilizers.

Instead, its primary function is to enhance the efficiency of water and agricultural treatments, ensuring they reach and benefit the plant more effectively.

Super Gro: Application and Usage

Diving into how to actually use Super Gro, let’s keep it simple and straight to the point. Whether you’ve got a small kitchen garden or a vast field, the way you use this product can make a real difference. It’s all about getting that perfect mix and making sure it reaches where it’s needed most.

You start with the basics: mixing. It is super concentrated, which means a little goes a long way.

We’re talking about mixing just 1 ml with a whole liter of water. That’s like a drop in the bucket, literally, but it transforms that bucket of water into a powerful growth-enhancing elixir for your plants.

Whether you’re hand-watering your cherished roses or running a full-blown irrigation system, the key is to get the ratio right – 1:1000 is your golden rule.

Now, what’s really happening when you mix and apply it?

Imagine giving your plants a VIP pass to hydration heaven. This stuff works by breaking down the usual barriers water faces, helping it sneak directly to the roots where it’s needed most. It’s like a backstage pass for water, ensuring it gets up close and personal with your plants, delivering hydration and nutrients right where they count.

But it’s not just about watering. It also enhances the effects of your fertilizers and pesticides. Mix it in, and it’s like upgrading your regular plant care routine to first class, helping everything work better, stick longer, and reach further.

And don’t worry about the details. Whether it’s a sunny day or a chilly morning, Super Gro is up for the task. It’s made to withstand the quirks of weather, giving you peace of mind that your plants are getting what they need, rain or shine.

So, whether you’re manually watering your garden or letting technology do the heavy lifting with an automated system, it fits right in. It’s all about making the most of every drop of water, ensuring your plants stay hydrated, nourished, and thriving.

Here is a summary of the Mixing ratio:

  • Mix Super Gro with water at a ratio of 1:1000 (1 part Super Gro to 1000 parts water).
  • This precise dilution makes water more effective, enhancing moisture delivery to plant roots

Application Methods:

  • Manual Watering: Add the correct amount of Super Gro to your water container and mix gently.
  • Irrigation Systems: Incorporate Super Gro into the water reservoir at the appropriate dilution rate to ensure even distribution across your crops.


  • Suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants, catering to a broad range of agricultural and gardening needs.
  • Effective for small-scale gardeners and large-scale agricultural operations alike.

It facilitates a more efficient and targeted approach to plant nourishment, promoting healthier growth and better yield outcomes.

Super Gro: Effectiveness and Results

The effectiveness of Super Gro is substantiated by scientific research and user feedback, focusing on its impact on agricultural productivity.

Research, including findings from the University of Nairobi, highlights its ability to enhance the efficacy of fungicides and pesticides, improve soil penetration, and ensure optimal water usage, leading to healthier plants and increased crop yields.

Farmers report noticeable improvements in their crops’ health and productivity, attributing these gains to it’s role in enhancing water efficiency and treatment adherence. These accounts align with studies showing that the product can significantly boost crop yields and treatment effectiveness, particularly in challenging agricultural conditions.

While positive outcomes are prevalent, the results vary based on environmental factors, crop types, and farming practices. It’s essential to consider these variables when evaluating Super Gro’s potential benefits, acknowledging that its impact can differ across different agricultural contexts.

The product’s broad acceptance and reported success underline its value in diverse farming scenarios, emphasizing its contribution to more sustainable and productive agricultural practices.

Potential Benefits

It offers a range of potential benefits that extend beyond just improving the efficiency of water usage in agricultural practices.

Its unique formulation is designed to enhance plant growth and yield in several ways:

  • Enhanced Water Efficiency: By reducing the surface tension of water, It ensures more effective soil penetration and moisture retention, leading to better hydration for plants even in lower water volumes.
  • Improved Nutrient Uptake: It helps in the more efficient uptake of nutrients by plants from the soil, boosted by the improved water penetration, potentially leading to healthier, more robust plant growth.
  • Increased Yield: Many users report that crops treated with Super Gro exhibit increased yields, attributed to the improved effectiveness of water and agricultural inputs, along with enhanced nutrient uptake.
  • Cost Efficiency: The ability to dilute extensively makes it a cost-effective solution for large-scale agricultural operations, offering significant long-term savings on water and agricultural treatments.
  • Versatility: Its use is not limited to specific crops or conditions, making it a versatile addition to various agricultural practices, suitable for everything from small gardens to large farms.

By leveraging these benefits, farmers and gardeners can potentially improve the sustainability and profitability of their agricultural practices, maximizing the effectiveness of every drop of water and input applied to their crops.

Limitations and Considerations

While Super Gro is celebrated for its numerous benefits, it’s important to approach its use with a clear understanding of its limitations and the considerations needed for optimal results:

  • Not a Standalone Solution: It should be used as part of a comprehensive crop management strategy. It is designed to complement, not replace, essential agricultural inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides.
  • Environmental Variables: The effectiveness of Super Gro can be influenced by local environmental conditions such as soil type, climate, and existing moisture levels. Users should adjust their application strategies to accommodate these factors.
  • Crop Specificity: Different crops may respond uniquely to Super Gro. What works for one type of plant may not be as effective for another, so it’s crucial to monitor its impact and adjust usage accordingly.
  • Application Techniques: Proper mixing and application are key to maximizing the benefits of Super Gro. Incorrect dilution or uneven application can lead to suboptimal results or wasted product.
  • User Expectations: It’s essential to set realistic expectations regarding the outcomes of using Super Gro. While many users report positive results, these outcomes can vary widely depending on a range of factors, including adherence to usage instructions and overall agricultural practices.

Understanding these limitations and considerations can help users optimize the use of Super Gro, ensuring they derive the maximum possible benefit from this agricultural surfactant while minimizing any potential drawbacks.

Detailed Comparative Analysis

A close alternative to Super Gro is Easy Gro from Osho Chemicals. However, they don’t compare directly since Easy Gro is a foliar fertilizer.

When comparing Super Gro with Easygro Vegetative from Osho Chemicals, it’s important to recognize that although they serve different primary functions, they share a common goal of enhancing plant growth and productivity.

Easygro Vegetative is a foliar fertilizer designed for direct application to plants, providing them with essential nutrients (NPK 27:10:16) and trace elements along with biostimulants. It’s particularly beneficial during the vegetative growth stage, promoting healthy, vigorous growth, and higher yields due to its high nitrogen content.

Super Gro, on the other hand, is not a fertilizer but an adjuvant that enhances the efficiency of water and other agricultural inputs like fertilizers and pesticides.

It works by making water wetter, improving its spread and penetration, thus ensuring that nutrients and treatments are more effectively utilized by plants.

Key Comparison Points:

  • Functionality: Easygro Vegetative supplies direct nutrients to plants, essential for their growth phases, especially high nitrogen-demanding stages. Super Gro, while not providing nutrients directly, optimizes the delivery and effectiveness of water and accompanying nutrients or treatments applied to the crops.
  • Composition: Easygro is a nutrient-rich, water-soluble fertilizer with a specific NPK ratio and added trace elements beneficial for plant health. Super Gro’s composition is designed to improve the application efficiency of such fertilizers, but it does not contain nutrients itself.
  • Application and Versatility: Both products are versatile and can be used on a variety of crops. However, Easygro is primarily a nutrient source, while Super Gro is a universal application enhancer that can be combined with a wide range of agricultural inputs, beyond just fertilizers.
  • Crop Impact: Easygro aims to boost vegetative growth directly through nutrient provision. In contrast, Super Gro indirectly supports plant growth by ensuring better water and nutrient use efficiency, which can lead to healthier plants and potentially improved yields.
  • Cost: While initially, the cost of Super Gro might seem higher compared to standard agricultural products, its high dilution rate (1:1000) means that a little goes a long way, offering significant long-term savings and making it a cost-effective choice for large-scale agricultural applications.

In summary, although Easygro Vegetative and Super Gro are used differently in agricultural practices, they both play crucial roles in maximizing crop productivity.

Easygro provides essential nutrients directly to the plants, while it enhances the effectiveness of those nutrients and other agricultural inputs.

Despite their differences, both products can be integral parts of a comprehensive crop management strategy, each contributing to the overall health and yield of the crops. WhatsApp Group

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Environmental Impact Assessment

The environmental impact of agricultural products is a crucial consideration in today’s farming practices, focusing on long-term sustainability and soil health. Super Gro stands out for its environmentally friendly profile, but let’s delve deeper into its specific impacts:

  • Soil Health: It is designed to enhance the effectiveness of water and agricultural inputs like fertilizers and pesticides, potentially reducing the overall quantities needed. This can lead to less chemical runoff and lower accumulation of chemicals in the soil, preserving soil microflora and fauna, and maintaining soil fertility.
  • Water Use: By making water “wetter,” Super Gro improves water penetration in the soil, which can contribute to reduced water usage and lower evaporation rates. This efficient use of water is particularly beneficial in arid regions or in situations where water conservation is a priority, aiding in the sustainable management of this vital resource.
  • Carbon Footprint: Indirectly, by optimizing the application of agricultural inputs and improving plant health, Super Gro could contribute to better carbon sequestration in plants. Healthier plants with more vigorous growth are likely to absorb more CO2, a positive aspect in the context of global efforts to reduce atmospheric carbon levels.
  • Long-term Sustainability: The use of Super Gro aligns with sustainable agricultural practices by potentially reducing dependency on chemical inputs, enhancing nutrient uptake, and supporting healthier crop growth. This can lead to a cycle of benefits, including improved crop resilience, reduced need for synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, and enhanced overall ecosystem health.

Social Proof: Farmer Interviews and Case Studies

Case Study 1: Prudencia Nanjala from Tongaren, Bungoma County

In Bungoma County, Prudencia Nanjala’s maize farm, once yielding 10-15 bags per acre, dramatically increased its productivity to 30 bags of 90kg each after she started using Super Gro. Reflecting on her experience, Prudencia shares her enthusiasm: “I was skeptical about Super Gro, but the results speak for themselves. My harvest doubled, and the quality of the maize was outstanding.”

“With Super Gro, my crops utilized water and nutrients more efficiently, leading to this incredible yield. It’s been a game-changer for my farm.”

Prudencia Nanjala,
Tongaren, Bungoma County

Prudencia’s account underscores the tangible benefits she observed, attributing her success directly to the application of Super Gro. Her experience offers a practical perspective on the product’s effectiveness in enhancing agricultural productivity.

Case Study 2: James Kariuki from Nyeri County

In Nyeri County, James Kariuku observed significant improvements in his coffee farm after incorporating Super Gro.

He reports, “My coffee yield significantly increased, and the bean quality improved remarkably. Super Gro ensured better water and nutrient uptake.”

James Kariuki

The results were a more robust harvest and superior coffee beans, directly attributable to the enhanced growing conditions provided by Super Gro.

James’s experience underscores the effectiveness of Super Gro in optimizing agricultural productivity, particularly for crops like coffee that demand precise water and nutrient management.

Technical Support and Training

Neolife, the company behind Super Gro offers comprehensive technical support and training to ensure users can maximize its benefits:

  • Guided Instructions: Users are provided with detailed instructions for correct mixing and application to achieve the best results. There website contains facts about Super Gro and the ingredients in pdf that anyone can download.
  • Training Workshops: Tailored workshops equip distributors and farmers with practical knowledge on using Super Gro effectively for various crops, including specialized sessions for different agricultural needs.
  • Expert Consultations: Access to agricultural experts helps farmers tailor Super Gro use to their specific farming conditions, optimizing crop health and yields.
  • Online Resources: A range of online tools, including videos and FAQs, supports farmers in using Super Gro efficiently.
  • Customer Service: Ongoing support is available to address any user questions or concerns, ensuring reliable assistance for optimal product use.

This support framework is designed to enhance user understanding and application of Super Gro, contributing to better farming outcomes.

Regulatory Updates and Compliance

Super Gro is committed to adhering to the highest standards of regulatory compliance and ensuring that the product meets all relevant agricultural and environmental safety standards. Here’s an overview of the regulatory and compliance landscape:

  • Certifications: Super Gro continuously seeks and maintains certifications that validate its safety and efficacy. These certifications are crucial for ensuring that the product meets stringent agricultural product standards and is safe for use on a variety of crops.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The product is subject to rigorous testing to comply with national and international agricultural regulations. This ensures that Super Gro is not only effective but also safe for the environment, aligning with sustainable farming practices.
  • Labeling Accuracy: Accurate and informative labeling is a priority, providing users with clear instructions, ingredient transparency, and safety information. This ensures that farmers can use the product effectively and safely.
  • Safety Standards: Super Gro adheres to strict safety standards to ensure that it poses no harm to crops, soil, water, or the broader ecosystem. The commitment to these standards reflects the product’s alignment with eco-friendly agricultural practices.
  • Continuous Monitoring: The company engages in continuous monitoring and assessment of the product to respond promptly to any regulatory changes or new scientific information, ensuring ongoing compliance and safety.

Market Availability and Accessibility

Super Gro is strategically positioned in the market to ensure that farmers across various regions can easily access and benefit from the product.

Where can i buy Super Gro in Kenya?

Here’s an overview of its availability and how farmers can obtain it:

  • Authorized Distributors: You should buy Super Gro from authorized distributors in Kenya.
    Florence – Phone: 0722465250
  • Global Distribution Network: Super Gro is available in multiple markets worldwide, supported by a robust distribution network that ensures the product reaches a wide range of agricultural sectors. This network facilitates timely and efficient access to the product, regardless of the geographical location of the farm.
  • Local Retailers: The product is stocked by a variety of local agricultural retailers, making it easily accessible to farmers in both urban and rural areas. These local outlets are essential for providing farmers with immediate access to the product, along with personalized service and support.
  • Online Platforms: Farmers can also purchase it through various online platforms, which offer the convenience of home delivery. This option expands the product’s reach, particularly benefiting those in remote areas or those who prefer online shopping for agricultural inputs.
  • Agricultural Shows and Exhibits: Super Gro is often showcased at agricultural shows, exhibitions, and fairs, providing farmers with opportunities to learn about the product firsthand, understand its benefits, and make direct purchases or place orders.
  • Direct Purchase from the Manufacturer: In some regions, farmers have the option to purchase Super Gro directly from the manufacturer, ensuring they get authentic products and the latest formulations available on the market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What exactly is Super Gro?

Super Gro is a multi-purpose agricultural surfactant designed to enhance the effectiveness of water and agricultural treatments like fertilizers and pesticides. It improves moisture penetration, ensures better nutrient uptake, and increases overall plant health and yield.

How is Super Gro used?

Super Gro should be diluted with water before use, typically at a ratio of 1:1000 (Super Gro to water). It can be applied using conventional spraying equipment or through irrigation systems, ensuring even distribution over the intended crops.

Can Super Gro be used on all types of crops?

Yes, Super Gro is versatile and can be beneficial for a wide range of crops, including cereals, vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. It’s designed to support plant growth at all stages, from germination to maturity.

Is Super Gro a fertilizer?

No, Super Gro is not a fertilizer. It’s an adjuvant that enhances the effectiveness of agricultural inputs like water, fertilizers, and pesticides. It ensures that these inputs are utilized more efficiently by the plants, leading to better growth and yield.

How often should Super Gro be applied?

The frequency of application can vary depending on the crop, the climatic conditions, and the specific needs of your farm. Generally, it’s used during key stages of plant growth or as needed to enhance the effectiveness of water and other agricultural treatments.

Are there any safety concerns with using Super Gro?

Super Gro is safe when used as directed. It’s non-toxic, non-caustic, and non-flammable. However, as with all agricultural products, it’s important to follow the recommended usage instructions and safety precautions.

Can Super Gro be mixed with other agricultural treatments?

Yes, Super Gro is designed to be compatible with most agricultural treatments, including fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides. It acts as an adjuvant, enhancing the efficacy of these treatments. Always conduct a compatibility test or consult with an expert when mixing with other chemicals.

What are the environmental impacts of using Super Gro?

Super Gro is environmentally friendly and is designed to reduce the wastage of water and enhance the efficiency of agricultural inputs, leading to less runoff and reduced environmental pollution. Its use aligns with sustainable farming practices.

Where can I purchase Super Gro?

Super Gro can be purchased through various channels, including agricultural supply stores, online platforms, direct from the manufacturer, or local distributors. Ensure you’re buying from a reputable source to guarantee you’re getting the genuine product.

How can I ensure I’m using Super Gro effectively?

For optimal results, follow the product’s application guidelines closely, consider the specific needs of your crop, and adjust the usage according to local climate conditions. Utilize the available support and training from the manufacturer to maximize your benefits.

Embracing Tomorrow’s Agriculture, Today

Choosing the right product for your crops can be confusing.

You might wonder, “Is Super Gro the key to unlocking my farm’s potential or just another product on the shelf?” It’s natural to seek clarity, to ensure you’re making the best choice for your land and your future.

Super Gro stands out, not as a mere addition but as a catalyst for enhanced growth and productivity. It’s about leveraging every resource, ensuring your hard work translates into tangible rewards. This product isn’t just about aiding your farm; it’s about transforming it, optimizing every element from soil to harvest.

Consider the impact—more efficient water use, improved nutrient uptake, and stronger, healthier crops. This is about empowering you to achieve more, to see your dedication reflected in abundant yields and a thriving farm.

Embrace Super Gro with the understanding that it’s a tool designed to complement your efforts, to bring out the best in your agricultural endeavors. It’s a step towards future-proofing your farming, ensuring you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of agriculture.

Make the choice that aligns with your ambition. Let Super Gro be the ally that helps you turn your farming goals into reality, fostering an environment where your crops can flourish, and your hard work yields maximum results. It’s time to witness the transformation your farm deserves. Embrace the change, and watch your farm thrive. WhatsApp Group

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Billy O.

Biosystems Engineer who writes. Email: Phone: 0714-004949

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